
Terraform provider for Okta

View the Project on GitHub Brightspace/terraform-provider-okta

Okta Provider

The Okta provider is used to setup SSO for AWS accounts in Okta. This provider is not official, and is developed to cover a narrow slice of the Okta API. Specifically, the process of provisioning and user management of an AWS Application in Okta.

The provider allows you to manage your membership to an AWS Okta application. It needs to be configured with the proper credentials before it can be used. This provider requires both API Tokens and login credentials.

Example Usage

# Configure the Okta Provider
provider "okta" {}

# Create an okta AWS app
resource "okta_app_aws" "account" {
  name                  = "ACME-AwsAccount"
  identity_provider_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:saml-provider/Okta"

The okta provider is a third party custom provider. Third-party providers must be manually installed, since terraform init cannot automatically download them.


The Okta provider can be provided credentials for authentication using environment variables or static credentials.

Static credentials

Hard-coding credentials into any Terraform configuration is not recommended, and risks secret leakage should this file ever be committed to a public version control system

Static credentials can be provided by adding a series of in-line fields in the Okta provider block or by variables:


provider "okta" {
  okta_url       = "https://acme-corp.okta.com"
  okta_admin_url = "https://acme-corp-admin.okta.com"
  api_key        = "my-api-key"
  username       = "MyBotUser"
  password       = "P@ssw0rd!"
  org_id         = "7Zuii9HINkQODOW4BhRx5A/1"

Environment variables

You can provide your credentials and URL targets via environment variables.

provider "okta" {}


export OKTA_URL = "https://acme-corp.okta.com"
export OKTA_ADMIN_URL = "https://acme-corp-admin.okta.com"
export OKTA_API_KEY = "my-api-key"
export OKTA_USERNAME = "MyBotUser"
export OKTA_PASSWORD = "P@ssw0rd!"
export OKTA_ORG_ID = "7Zuii9HINkQODOW4BhRx5A/1"
terraform plan

Argument Reference

In addition to generic provider arguments, the following arguments are supported in the Okta provider block: